Monday, October 20, 2014

First Words!!

This weekend, Daddy went on a boys trip with Papa and Uncle Brent and I was home with my Mommy and big brother Heston. On Friday after my Daddy left in the morning, I woke up and cried, ready for my Mommy to get me. She came into my room and took me to my changing table to put on a fresh diaper. Well, I was hungry and ready to eat...Instead of my normal boisterous babble (I babble A LOT when I wake up!) I looked her right in the eye and said one word, "Buub." One might be confused as to the meaning of this word, but my Mommy new clearly what I meant. (Switch out the two vowels with another vowel and think milk!) Mom found this to be hilarious! My brother didn't know this word until he was five, but I'm a quick learner. On the same day, while my Mommy put me down to do something in the kitchen, I wanted her attention. I yelled, "Mama! MA-MA!" She couldn't believe her ears!! I got a lot of praise for I've been saying it all day. When Oma came over that evening to help out, she said the word Mama and I turned and looked right at her! So there is no question about my understanding of the word. Daddy came home Sunday afternoon and the day was filled with a bunch of activities...most revolving around my big brother's social life: Baseball games and Halloween parties...Grammie, Papa, & Oma attending the game, and then Daddy taking me home while Mommy took Heston to his party. I got to spend some time with my Daddy. He fed me, gave me a bath, and I took a nice long nap. When Mama and Heston came home, I was sitting on my Mama's lap and I looked right at my Dad and said loud and clear, "Dada!" So in 2 days, I spoke 3 new words! My parents are delighted to see some new developments.

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