Monday, September 8, 2014

Sitting Up Without the Boppy!

How cute am I sitting all by myself without the boppy to support me?! This was a first today!!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

2 Teef!

Breaking News: The second toof is breaking through! I can't chomp down on stuff my Mommy's hand!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hand-Eye Coordination

This week, there has been a dramatic change in my hand-eye coordination. I'm getting much better at being able to grasp things, hold onto them to study and play with, direct them to my mouth, etc. It keeps me much more content because I can entertain myself! See, here I am able to hold toys and chew on them: 

Sitting up!

Guess who has mastered the art of sitting up?! This guy! Mom came to pick me up from childcare on Thursday and I was sitting up in the play ring all by myself with a toy. She showered me with praise and I was very proud and had a beaming smile on my face. Dad marveled later at how quick I'm picking up on new worries the crawling stage will be here very soon and the floors will have to be free and clear of Heston's superheroes and figures. Baby-proofing will be a difficult task! Get ready Mommy, it's almost here!!