Friday, February 28, 2014


So there is something magic about this car seat...Mom doesn't know what it is, but I sure do sleep well in it! Mom picked up coffee and then drove us around and I slept the whole time. When we came home, I continued to sleep! She said my brother NEVER slept in the car, but screamed the entire car ride. It's the magic seat! (Thank you Aunt Alison and Uncle Chris for the loaner!)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Doctor's Appointment

Today was my 1 month checkup. My mom was shocked that I am now 7 lbs. 13 oz...I would have been at least an 8 pounder if I was born on my due date! Everything checked out great, but Mom & Dad's concern about my jaundice was Billiruben levels were kind of high, so we are awaiting lab test results tomorrow to make sure nothing else needs to be done to get it down  (it could be just what they call "breastmilk jaundice"). Mom has been worried about this for 3 weeks but was told I should be in the clear...clearly Mothers know best and should trust their instincts! (Update: The lab results confirmed it's breastmilk jaundice...yay!).

Here I am on my way to the was 31 degrees this morning, so I had to bundle up.

Here I am jumping for joy at the news that I gained weight:

After the doctor, we went to the grocery store. Exciting stuff! Mom got stopped by so many people who thought I was the cutest thing. (Naturally). Mom was thrilled I slept the entire time...My crying episode at the doctor sure wore me out! I slept for almost an hour when we got home too, so Mom got groceries unpacked, cleaned out the fridge, took out the trash, and did a load of laundry. (It's the simple things!)

This is me at the grocery store looking adorable:

So as you can tell, it was an exciting and eventful day. Happy 1 month to me!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fresh Air

Mom and I have been couped up for a month, so we decided to get some fresh air. We went to our property down the road and it was my first time seeing where my future house will be. Mommy & Daddy have been dreaming about life in our new home...a perfect place for a household of boys because we will have beautiful acreage to run around and be wild! Our outing reminded mommy today how all her hard work with the house plans...and life in a miserable rental house...will eventually pay off. My arrival 5 weeks early prevented her from finishing the drawings, but it's all good...They will be finished soon (hopefully)! In the meantime, our HGTV marathon watching is giving mommy lots of inspiration while we've been home the past month.

Here I am at the entrance to the property...a great place for a nap in the sun. 

Here I am at the top of our property...the rocks in the background will be fun for my brother and me to climb on one day!

As we were driving back home, we spotted daphodil bulbs sprouting in several yards...Spring is almost here!! A welcome sight for us since we've been indoors for so long!

Wardrobe Changes & Starbucks Run

First, I did this to mommy and me...
(That would be pee).

Then we both had to be cleaned up and changed. Mom decided to go on a Starbucks Run for caffiene. She got me all bundled up and ready to go...

...and then I pooped.

1 Month Old

Tomorrow I will be one month old! My parents can't believe how quickly time flies and how much I've grown in a short time. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow to see my growth progress. As we approach my due date (when I was SUPPOSED to be born), I am filling out and looking more like a full size baby and not a premie...even my newborn clothes actually fit me now instead of swallowing me.
I've been a really good sleeper the past week, but here is the Mom has to sleep with me. (Which Mom recognizes is not the best scenario). My cosleeping bed is not being used other than to provide a barrier between Mom & Dad. Now that I'm a month old and my breathing issues are no longer a concern, my Mom wants to transition me to my crib. Noooo! I love snuggling with my Mommy while I sleep. I also like to be held ALL the time during the day. Mom just goes with it, since I should technically still be in her belly and I wasn't ready to be separated from her just yet. 
I had my newborn photoshoot has been rescheduled twice, due to snow and my big brother got a virus that caused hives all over his body. My brother and I had a few shirtless shots, so the hives had to be completely gone for the photo session. My parents are excited about the pictures, but I didn't do a whole lot of sleeping, so there may not be many perfect still shots of me resting peacefully, like you see in so many newborn photos.

Here is a picture of me sleeping at home in the swing...Mom may get 20 minutes of free time while I'm in the swing before I cry to be held.

Monday, February 17, 2014

3 Weeks Old

Today, I am officially 3 weeks old! There hasn't been much to report, but a few small developments make my Mommy happy: Two days ago, I started focusing my eyes a little better, so I can make eye contact and look at whoever holds me. I also have good control of my BB mentioned how active I am already for such a small baby! I kick my legs, move my head around, and grab with my hands really well. The amazing thing to my parents is I would still be in my Mom's belly right now, with all this movement. Even though I'm still tiny, I'm filling out a little because I'm such a good eater...I want to eat every 2 hours (or close to it...sometimes every hour and a half, which makes my mommy exhausted). My big brother tells my Mom, "It's time to milk again, mommy," when he sees me getting fussy. By the way, my 5 year old brother says he wants my milk too...Mom says no! My jaundice is still giving me a fake tan glow, but it's almost gone because of my good eating & constant pooping, so my parents are relieved. That's pretty much all I do right now: eat, poop, sleep, no particular order. 
Last week, my brother was home from school with me and my mommy because of "snow days." It was a looong week for all of us, but we survived. Mom is just looking a little rough!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Birth Story

My Grammie wrote all about my birth on her blog...all the details are there about why I arrived early and all the excitement of my birth coinciding with the great "snowpocalypse" of 2014! Check it out!

Friday, February 7, 2014

I Like My Pacifier! (Mom's Thrilled!)

Mom said this keeps me I won't want to eat ALL day long. She's thrilled I'll take a paci, because my big brother never liked them...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Goodbye Fat Feet

My mommy would like me to announce that the swelling on her feet, caused by preeclampsia & toxemia, has officially gone away one week and three days after my arrival (but who's counting). She seems very excited about this tidbit of news...she said something about being able to wear shoes again...but I'm not really sure how this involves me and why it is blog worthy. But yay Mom!

Double Fisting

In the past 24 hours, I have discovered fists! My mom dressed me in a onsie yesterday that didn't cover my hands and there they were...little balled up fingers that I can suck on! My mom has to pry them out of my mouth to feed me because I get a little confused when it's eating time, thinking my fist is food...she pulls one hand away from my mouth and I instantlly put the other hand in!