Wednesday, February 26, 2014

1 Month Old

Tomorrow I will be one month old! My parents can't believe how quickly time flies and how much I've grown in a short time. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow to see my growth progress. As we approach my due date (when I was SUPPOSED to be born), I am filling out and looking more like a full size baby and not a premie...even my newborn clothes actually fit me now instead of swallowing me.
I've been a really good sleeper the past week, but here is the Mom has to sleep with me. (Which Mom recognizes is not the best scenario). My cosleeping bed is not being used other than to provide a barrier between Mom & Dad. Now that I'm a month old and my breathing issues are no longer a concern, my Mom wants to transition me to my crib. Noooo! I love snuggling with my Mommy while I sleep. I also like to be held ALL the time during the day. Mom just goes with it, since I should technically still be in her belly and I wasn't ready to be separated from her just yet. 
I had my newborn photoshoot has been rescheduled twice, due to snow and my big brother got a virus that caused hives all over his body. My brother and I had a few shirtless shots, so the hives had to be completely gone for the photo session. My parents are excited about the pictures, but I didn't do a whole lot of sleeping, so there may not be many perfect still shots of me resting peacefully, like you see in so many newborn photos.

Here is a picture of me sleeping at home in the swing...Mom may get 20 minutes of free time while I'm in the swing before I cry to be held.

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