Sunday, August 31, 2014

More Flipping

This flipping onto my tummy is a piece of cake now...I can do it effortlessly and I'm able to roll of my play mat onto the rug...I did that this morning and Mom was shocked! I always have a huge smile on my face because I'm so proud of myself. Mom says it's time for my big brother to keep his small toys off the floor, because I can possibly reach them to put them into my mouth! The baby proofing is about to start because I'm about to be mobile!

It is HERE!!

My tooth has broken through!! I haven't let my parents sleep for two days straight and I refuse to take a decent nap, so I've been fussy with a capital F. It has been a long 48 hours for all of us!! But this morning, I grabbed my mommy's finger and chomped down...then immediately cried because that made my tooth break through. Mom felt it! Everybody is hoping that will make things a little less miserable for me, now that it has broken through. A little Motrin will help with that too! I'm sure if one is here, another will follow soon, so this all-night waking may not go away for a while. Daddy is miserable without his beauty sleep, so he hopes the others come fast so we can move on!! 

Friday, August 29, 2014


I've got it DOWN now...I can flip on both sides!! I first flipped onto my back about 2 months ago before the 4th of July. Well this morning I flipped onto my Tummy and everyone saw it, as Mommy was on the couch and Daddy and Heston were about to walk out the door for school and work. I couldn't let them miss the excitement! Everyone was proud and I got kisses of praise from my big brother!

Monday, August 18, 2014

No Sign of Teeth

Still no sign of teeth and I'm 6 months...Mom says enough already, let's see them! I'm teething constantly and nobody is getting any sleep around here. Have I mentioned I'm sharing a room with my big brother? So Mom and Dad don't make me cry it out and swoop in the minute I make a peep in my bed. But I'm as cute as a button (X10) and Mommy doesn't mind these middle of the night snuggles...until morning when she is dead tired and has to go to work. Teeth, it's more delay!

Saturday, I had my first real food. Mom was waiting to get a picture of me making a funny face when I first tasted it, but it never came. I loved my food! I had peas and sweet potatoes...then I had bananas on Sunday. MUCH better than that rice cereal they've been feeding me the past few months!