Monday, August 18, 2014

No Sign of Teeth

Still no sign of teeth and I'm 6 months...Mom says enough already, let's see them! I'm teething constantly and nobody is getting any sleep around here. Have I mentioned I'm sharing a room with my big brother? So Mom and Dad don't make me cry it out and swoop in the minute I make a peep in my bed. But I'm as cute as a button (X10) and Mommy doesn't mind these middle of the night snuggles...until morning when she is dead tired and has to go to work. Teeth, it's more delay!

Saturday, I had my first real food. Mom was waiting to get a picture of me making a funny face when I first tasted it, but it never came. I loved my food! I had peas and sweet potatoes...then I had bananas on Sunday. MUCH better than that rice cereal they've been feeding me the past few months!

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