Monday, July 14, 2014


Over the Fourth of July, we went to the beach for BB's family reunion. It was my first beach experience and so much fun!! While I was there, I flipped over for the first time in my pack 'n play. I had a big smile on my face when my daddy found me, I was very proud of myself for such a big accomplishment!

An another milestone note, my Mommy laced my bottle of breast milk this evening with rice cereal. I was NOT into it and repeatedly swatted the bottle away. But Mom says it's time for solids because she needs to sleep at night. I'm up a few times a night these days due to teething and being hungry, so anything to keep me full and asleep for a long time, she's willing to try! (She has been run down these days, after fighting sickness for a month plus). Maybe I'll try it again might be an aquired taste!

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